Saturday, 30 August 2014

Weekly Recap: Week 33-34 (18 - 31 Aug 2014)

Last week I skipped the weekly recap since I couldn't recall much of that week other than spending too much time at the office and wasting away my weekend on my bed from exhaustion. Sigh...

This week is more interesting for sure...

Same as last week, I was still busy at work, but still, I decided that I don't want to sacrifice my yoga time and so I made sure that I'd leave office by latest 630 PM to catch 7 or 730 PM class.

Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 2 Pro
Apart from that, there is Comex 2014 this week! The event I've been waiting for since I've planned to upgrade my crappy HP laptop to a sleek and powerful ultrabook. However, til Thursday afternoon, I still couldn't make up my mind on which laptop I should buy. At first, I set my mind to get a Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 2 Pro, but then after an extensive research, I found out that there is color gamut problem with it, in which the yellow color is not actually yellow on its screen. That settled it then, no way I'm getting it as I need color accuracy for my drawings.
Asus UX301LA
Then my interest moved to Asus UX301LA, but then the price kinda turned me off. And although I was sooo tempted to get it anyway, after talking to one of my close friends - whose opinion I know is always honest and always go for honesty over saying things that the other party wants to hear though it may not be true - he said it, the laptop is just to ridiculously overpriced at 2,798 SGD.
By Thursday evening, I still hadn't had any decision. I spent my time at the studio waiting for my yoga class by browsing Comex 2014 brochures. And then, lo and behold, my eyes were drawn to a Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga! I couldn't believe that I had missed that brochure!
In my opinion, ThinkPad series is built with more business and quality in mind compared to IdeaPad. And after reading numerous reviews on ThinkPad, I said to myself, this is it, this is my new laptop. Me, who fell in love in the first sight at what IdeaPad Yoga 2 Pro can do, have now found its better peer. Although I have to admit that Yoga 2 Pro is definitely more attractive in appearance, I expect that ThinkPad has more build quality.

Anyway, I did go to Comex to get a ThinkPad Yoga, and I also got a deal for it. But the problem is, once I was home and checked the system, I noticed that the RAM is not as advertised in the brochure - I got 4 GB instead of 8 GB. I was dressed and ready to go until I then thought I better call them first. So I did, and they told me that I got the wrong model - this laptop I'm currently using is the older model. The new model - as advertised in the brochure - is only coming mid of September, and after few going back and forth, the guy finally said I could get the newer model at the same price (I paid 2.2k SGD instead of 2,399 SGD in the brochure), I would only need to return this laptop and wait for the shipment of new model in September.
I asked what's the difference between these 2 model, and he told me the newer one comes with 8 GB RAM and also better processor. And the IT person inside me just couldn't let this offer slip away. Two weeks is nothing if I can get a better spec!

Geeky story aside, there was an unpleasant shock on Friday during lunch with my colleagues at the nearby food court. Suddenly there was a cockroach flew in and landed on our table -_-
One of my colleagues managed to get rid of him, but the shock was still there and I kinda lost my appetite - and I wasn't the only one since the guy who I know would not ever not finish his meal stopped eating after few bites. Now I'm not sure I could eat at that food court again without thinking about that incident...
Luckily my Friday ended on high note. There was a company drink after work and we spent few hours drinking and eating on company's tab - which is of course always good!

Good: bought a new laptop, won in TypeRacer few times (fun times with colleagues), company drink, piano/keyboard practice
Bad: cockroach incident, a little hassle over the new laptop purchase, patience test at work - communication, communication, communication people!!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Weekly Recap: Week 32 (11 - 17 Aug 2014)

Before I get into my weekly recap, I'd like to greet my fellow Indonesians, a happy 69th independence day~! Never thought we have been free for colonization that long, huh?

Anyway, let us all hope for the best future for Indonesia. Although I have been a skeptic for I don't know how long, I really have a high expectation to our new elected President, Joko Widodo. If we can call what Indonesia has been having 'a disease' - the corruption, poverty, oil mafia, etc -, it has been a very long uncured 'disease', and it will be a long and tough road for the new President. Even now the attempt to block Jokowi's path to Presidency is still on going with his rival presidency candidate is challenging the Election Commission (known as KPU) at the Constitutional Court in regards of failed election due to systematic, massive and structured fraud happening across 33 provinces of Indonesia. The court decision is to be announced end of this coming week.
The news I've read about the witnesses testimonies from the has been very 'interesting', and please note I am being kind. I couldn't help laughing either cynically or exasperatedly every time a witness just fumbled or finally admitted that their recant of the so-called 'incidents' was from second or even third hand. The proof is not sufficient and the suit is weak from my point of view of a common citizen, and the on-going trials are more like a bad comedy or soap opera. What's baffling me the most is how the plaintiff side seems to be in totally strong denial mode, that they are blind to see how ridiculous they are!

All in all, I just hope there won't be any riot ensued. The life of Indonesian people need not anymore drama caused by political interests of some selfish and greedy elites.

Now, let's go back to the weekly recap.

Strangely, what I can remember about my week is how tired I felt after work.
I missed 2 yoga sessions, one due to over-time and the other one to the exhaustion. Has the workload finally taken a toll on me? I realize that I'm busier than before, I hardly can chat freely with my friends over GTalk anymore and my social life has been declining in alarming rate. When I'm not at work, I would be at my yoga studio, or my home. And at home, I would spend my time doing house chores, or looking for ideas for new projects for my Etsy shop.

But this past week, I could hardly leave my bed once I was home, and I unproductively wasted my time watching Korean dramas. I am now on to 3 different Korean dramas of different genres: It's Okay It's Love, Fated To Love You and Joseon Gunman. I like those dramas equally so far and I am impatient to finally get their final episodes.

Oh yes, I've ordered myself a new Yamaha keyboard and they are to be delivered next Saturday. I can't wait to start playing around with it. It has been literally decades since the last time I played any musical instrument, and I am excited to finally get myself playing tunes again!

Last but not least, let's end this recap on a good note, I had a fun dinner and dessert with my girlfriends who I have not seen for quite some time. I'm glad that they set up this girls night out, coz I was in dire need of some social life after such a bleak week.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

My Etsy Shop New Listing!

I've finished 4 new projects and uploaded them to my Etsy shop. Do check them out!
They are all so lovely, and especially the boxy coral pink pouch which is just so kawaii!

very kawaii boxy pouch!
pencil case
pencil case or multi-functional pouch - zakka inspired
pencil case or multi-functional pouch - zakka inspired

Weekly Recap: Week 32 (3 - 10 Aug 2014)

One more week has just passed. I don't know why this week flew so fast...

Work has been busy, which is both good and bad at the same time. Luckily, I have good colleagues that surely help me to bear all those hectic days. On Friday, my manager told me in the meeting that I would be responsible for the project in Thailand along with my colleague. I'm a bit wary about this, honestly. But anyway, let's just do the best I can and hope that everything will run smoothly.

On my side-job, I've made few pouches this week which I'm planning to upload tomorrow as soon as I take some photos for my Etsy shops. I've been on creative mood lately, and my brain seems to not stop thinking about new projects! :)

But that is not without its consequences... I have been stepping away from my social life lately, which I'm fully aware that it's not good... I should really get in touch with my friends. As my friend used to say: friendships are like investments, you need to cultivate it in order for it to grow, otherwise, it will die and you are left with regrets and worst, loneliness... :(

Last but not least, I am enjoying Pilates and Mysore yoga more and more! And for my weekly exercise, I think I will go for 2 classes of hot yoga classes and 2 classes of regular yoga/pilates classes weekly. This way, my body will not be used to just one kind of yoga. thus it should improve my strength and stamina better. Wish me luck!

Reminder for next week: getting a ukelele, checking Japanese classes, getting in touch with friends.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Sharing: How Life Should Be Lived

wake up and enjoy the coffee (and view)! - Queenstown, NZ (April 2013)
Earlier this week, I stumbled upon a very nice question in Quora: What advice for a 70 or 80 year old person about the way life should be lived?
And the first answer - which means got the most upvotes (I was one of them) - hits all the correct notes and I would feel very guilty if I didn't share it here with the rest of the world. So here it is, guys, read them and try your best following it:  

1. Have a firm handshake.
2. Look people in the eye.
3. Sing in the shower.
4. Own a great stereo system.
5. If in a fight, hit first and hit hard.
6. Keep secrets.
7. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday.
8. Always accept an outstretched hand.
9. Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.
10. Whistle.
11. Avoid sarcastic remarks.
12. Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 per cent of all your happiness or misery.
13. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out.
14. Lend only those books you never care to see again.
15. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that they have.
16. When playing games with children, let them win.
17. Give people a second chance, but not a third.
18. Be romantic.
19. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
20. Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems.
21. Don't allow the phone to interrupt important moments. It's there for our convenience, not the caller's.
22. Be a good loser.
23. Be a good winner.
24. Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret.
25. When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.
26. Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born.
27. Keep it simple.
28. Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.
29. Don't burn bridges. You'll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.
30. Live your life so that your epitaph could read, No Regrets
31. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
32. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
33. Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who helped you.
34. Take charge of your attitude. Don't let someone else choose it for you.
35. Visit friends and relatives when they are in hospital; you need only stay a few minutes.
36. Begin each day with some of your favorite music.
37. Once in a while, take the scenic route.
38. Send a lot of Valentine cards. Sign them, 'Someone who thinks you're terrific.'
39. Answer the phone with enthusiasm and energy in your voice.
40. Keep a note pad and pencil on your bed-side table. Million-dollar ideas sometimes strike at 3 a.m.
41. Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job.
42. Send your loved ones flowers. Think of a reason later.
43. Make someone's day by paying the toll for the person in the car behind you.
44. Become someone's hero.
45. Marry only for love.
46. Count your blessings.
47. Compliment the meal when you're a guest in someone's home.
48. Wave at the children on a school bus.
49. Remember that 80 per cent of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people.
50. Don't expect life to be fair.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

My Etsy Shop is Officially Re-Opened!

After a hiatus that felt oh too long, I finally reopened my Etsy shop. And as addition to the print goods, I've added handmade sewing crafts in my listing.
clutches - wristlets
iPad pouches
Do visit my shop by clicking here!

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Weekly Recap: Week 31 (27 Jul - 3 Aug 2014)

Ehmm, happy birthday to me~!

This week started with my birthday celebration with my 2 good girlfriends last Sunday and we went to a Korean restaurant in Plaza Singapura since I was craving for spicy beef soup (육개장). Then one of the girls shared something that happened to her recently that ended with her staying in a hotel for few days although she actually lives with her sister and mom. I can't share the full detail here, but I can say few other things:

  • Love makes people do the most idiotic things
  • Hope makes it difficult to move on
  • The quality of a man is measured on how he handles crisis

I just hope with this incident, she could finally move on and just get rid of that parasite.

My second celebration was a lunch and coffee time with my other close girlfriend on Monday (it was a public holiday in Singapore). She wanted to try Lady M Confections in Marina Square and so we did!
We ordered 2 Lady M Iced Coffee (so not gonna order this again!), a slice of green tea mille crepes and checker board.

We had a great time catching up and I was surely glad to share story about my new flatmates and his not-so-gentleman behaviors.

My weekdays this week were also quite hectic. I got to help the business analyst fixing some reports since the other girl in charge was on vacation, and on my actual birthday itself, I spent it in the office.... kinda sad, huh? It would have been if I didn't get to celebrate it in advance with my dear girlfriend (luv ya gals! :*)

And then last but not least, my last dinner celebration was my dear friend who also shared her birth month with me. We had a great dinner, followed by (not so great) cake and coffee time. I wanted to take her to a pub with great life music, but I was too tired to stay up late so that we had to take a rain-check on that. Hopefully we can go some time next week.
The evening was spent with us catching up, and her sharing how her life lately has been quite gloomy and negative. She also wonders if this is the symptom of about-to-turn-30 since she remembers I was somewhat like that too...
Oh dear girl, and I turn out fine, don't I?

On Indonesian 2014 Election news, the loser is still sore and not accepting his lost. I wonder how long he intends to keep on doing this. It will only ruin his name and his possible chance for 2019 election. The people around him have shown how despicable and shallow they can be, especially with one of their lawyers bluntly said that there is possibility of riots if Constitutional Court deems them a loser (again). Oh come on guys, can you all move on already! Stop fighting for your personal gain and start thinking about the country and its people! 

New Resolution: Weekly Recap

Earlier this week, I went out with one of my girlfriends for a July birthday celebration - both of us are July babies. And my dear friend was reminiscing one Saturday when we both planned to watch Alice in Wonderland, but we wound up in a wrong cinema so that we had to rush for only in a mere 10 minutes or so, the movie would have started.

It was a very 'chaotic' day in a way for both of us and just to prove that I could be totally blur sometimes. Although we put some of the blame to the cinema chain... For most of its cinemas, the naming convention is the chain name + the area or mall it's located, which is simple enough to comprehend. But only for one cinema, the naming is totally different! It is GV Grand (GV is the abbreviation of the cinema chain) and the place or area or mall it's located is nowhere near "Grand"! As for me being blur as I could be that day, was thinking that the cinema was located in Marina Square mall............

So anyway, all in all, it should have been an incident that would not be easily forgotten, don't you think?
But I did forget, and I was literally shocked to realize that I would not have ever remembered that incident at all if only my friend didn't bring it up. Sigh... This sudden realization makes me think if I might have forgotten other memorable events that are actually worth remembering or shared with loved ones if only just for a laugh.

I have tried blogging or writing diaries some time earlier in my life, it never usually lasted as long as I would like it to be. But looking at how I might have forgotten oh so many worth remembering memories, I seriously think that I should start writing a journal or some sort. Aside from the fact that then later in the future I will be able to read my life adventure (no matter how exciting or dull it is), I know for sure that by writing about what happened, I will be forcing myself to re-live the events, thus it will be etched deeper in my memory - makes sense, doesn't it?

So here's to my new resolution, weekly recap!
And I say to myself, "good luck!" - coz who would know that the next thing I will forget is writing my weekly recap...